Our Story

"My biggest accomplishement in life will never be money,
it will be all the dogs I loved and saved."

 Our story begins in March of 2022 when our founders Sarah & Joel agreed to foster a dog in need of urgent placement at a high kill shelter in a county where due to BSL (Breed Specific Legislation) pitties and pittie mixes are illegal.  They knew nothing about the dog besides the fact that she feared everyone and everything and needed to get out of the shelter immediately or risked being euthanized. 


Over the next year Sarah followed the ongoing battle with the county over the BSL and watched in horror as post after post from rescues all over the country begged for fosters to step up and help rescues be able to save dogs from high kill shelters.  Young, innocent, healthy pitties were being euthanized daily because they couldn’t be adopted in areas where BSL existed, and shelters were overcrowded because of failure to spay & neuter. 


The sad truth is there are just not enough fosters or rescues to save all the pitties in need.  In December 2023 there was another post (one of many over the course of the year) begging for someone to help a dog in need listed as urgent at the same high kill shelter as their first foster dog.  With their first foster dog doing great and now a permanent member the family, Sarah & Joel accepted the challenge of taking in another foster dog. 


But the posts about dogs in need didn’t stop, the urgent lists became more frequent and more amazing dogs were losing their lives every day (2,800 pitties per day / 1 million pitties per year) and finally Sarah said, “I have had enough, we are starting a rescue”.


With the help of numerous friends, family and volunteers, Perfectly Paired Pitties (P3) became a reality on May 13th, 2024. We rescued our first two dogs, Henry and Gloria, just three days later, on May 16th, 2024 and saved  16 dogs in our first six weeks!